Forest Agriculture Research Management Center (FARM Center), is an education and research organization working to foster forest ecosystem awareness and disseminate information about bioregional multi-strata agroforestry systems

FARM Center's mission is to increase the awareness and appreciation of multi-strata forest ecosystems through research, education and the development of agroforestry solutions that mimic and revitalize native ecosystems


FARM Center has been established to address the need for bio-regionally appropriate reforestation solutions in the arid tropics, both locally and globally. In service to watershed and community, FARM Center is an education and training center, as well as a research facility, working to develop dynamic successional multi-strata agroforestry systems inspired by Ernst Gotsch’s Syntropic Farming.

FARM Center’s role is to enhance forest ecosystem awareness while demonstrating successful strategies needed to integrate agriculture with multi-strata forestry.

FARM Center is located in North Kohala, Hawi, Hawaii.


  • Publish research results
  • Offer training courses
  • Propagate and distribute plant material
  • Provide implementation support
  • Develop business plans
  • Incubate micro-enterprises that support our mission


  • Develop bio-regionally appropriate ecological solutions
  • Perform research and development of relevant multi-strata agroforestry systems supported by ecologically, culturally and economically appropriate crops.
  • Educate and train interested communities in the implementation of multi-strata agroforestry systems in a manner that is culturally sensitive and reinforces an ecological paradigm integral for the long-term system maintenance.